Veronica Decides to Die, But Why?

Recently I have watched the movie as titled above, a very interesting story by Paulo Coelho,

so at the start of the movie a successful working professional named Veronica, finds hard to deal with her emotions and takes pills with alcohol in order to kill herself.

Here the point is that as humans we deal with many negative emotions and there are panic triggers when things are mostly going wrong. there is also victimhood and feeling of not being enough.

We hereby know that we as individuals have a thinking mind and a sort of ego identity which are made by the culture influences, parenthood, society demands and our own self projection. after all we acknowledge our separate identity and personal self.

now the personal self has desire, its mind activities, its beliefs and one has to guard it against any harm psychologically. what ever stories goes into the mind and whatever emotions are being felt.

so once the things are going good mostly people had big/positive ego and also tends to be positive with their self esteem and their futuristic imagination.

though once there is negative self beliefs and incurring negative thoughts, and at the same time the person does not ever had experienced the aliveness into his/her body, or has had a glimpse of awareness beyond thought; one tends to make his/her identity from their thinking mind patterns. Its like a radio station which is 24 x 7 (except while sleeping) feeding the repetitive chatter. (the chatter is the ego/personal self)

so there are methods to slow down the mind chatter with bad habits of alcohol consumption, drugs and many more ( don’t want to name them) or with positive habits like exercise, meditation etc.

even though we may think that positive traits will help in getting some kind of solace from the mind chatter. it is also good to know that while a person is under depression they have better opportunity to detach themselves from their mind chatter. i.e. once the mind chatter is repetitive and negative we tends to get away from the self that is causing it. though the awareness is the key. it means to realize that their is a alive energy inside the body which is not affected or to say is separate from the chatter. this can be realized from meditation or reflection.

once we get hold of the awareness and feel alive into the body the chatter still may work but the frequency or impact would be slower.

that is how one can realize there is something more to life than a personal self. and it may help the personal self as well.

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